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QTALK Modem Communications System [May 90]
Q-Ware 1989,90
Las Cruces, NM
[Release 5.40]
Qtalk is a menu driven communications package which I designed to be easy to
use, and yet still have enough versatility to be useful. The following docu-
mentation, although not detailed, should be read before using Qtalk.
** N E W in Release 5.25+ **
Full ANSI support using DOS ANSI.SYS or equivalent driver.
XPRESS-1K Downloads fully compatible with BBS XMODEM-1k but at super
speeds over 99% efficient!
Mouse support on all menus!
** N E W in Release 5.30 **
XPRESS UPLOADS fully compatible with BBS XMODEM but at super
speeds over 99% efficient! (Should be used only on AT class BBS systems)
QTALK now saves your modem setup in QTALK.DEF so selection of
baud, port, etc. is only required once.
** N E W in Release 5.40 **
QTALK may now be invoked with the '/Q' option for 'Q'uick entry which
bypasses opening screens and modem configuration to take you right to
the "terminal" mode.
Be sure to install ANSI.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS file with the line:
[path] is the location of the ANSI.SYS driver:
Without the ANSI.SYS driver, QTALK will not interpret ANSI control codes!
The archive containing QTALK should include:
QTALK.EXE (program)
QTALK.DIR (phone book)
QTALK.DOC (this file)
Qtalk files should be located somewhere in your DOS PATH, or in the default
directory where you are when communicating over the modem. Placing it in any
subdirectory of the PATH allows you to run QTALK from any area of your disk(s).
After copying QTALK to the desired disk area, run it by typing QTALK.
You should now see the typical "opening remarks" screen, and a series of small
pop-up menus which will select the various COM port parameters which you wish
to use. The first 3 menus set the COM port number (1 or 2), BAUD rate, and
Parity settings. After setting this for the first time, QTALK will save these
settings in QTALK.DEF to be used each time QTALK is run. After running if
you wish to alter them, select the COM paramters from the main menu. If you
wish to change the peramanent defaults, delete QTALK.DEF from the directory
where QTALK.EXE resides and re-run QTALK.
When all COM paramters have been set, QTALK will initialize your modem and
place you in the "Terminal Screen". At this point, you will see the date (top
center), and two options at the bottom of your screen. To invoke the Main Menu,
simply press [Alt]-[M] or a MOUSE button. You should see a pop-up menu
which contains the main functions of QTALK. From here you may select any of
the following functions using a "Hot Key" or the Mouse:
Note: All menu functions may be selected by pressing thier "Hot Key" which is
a highlighted letter in each menu option, or by clicking the mouse on
the selected function.
Places you back to the "Terminal Screen" where you can type to the
modem or another system (if connected).
This option takes you to the phone dialing directory. This directory
can be changed, added to, and selected for dialing. During dialing,
QTALK will redial automatically every 20 seconds until a connection
is made. You will then return to the terminal screen.
This option allows you to Upload or Download files with another
system connected to you.
QTALK uses XMODEM protocol, and an XMODEM protocol compatible QWARE
exclusive called XPRESS downloads. The XPRESS download looks to
the host just like XMODEM, only it is 99% efficient! During a
regular XMODEM download from a system, you can press the <INS> key
to shift to the high speed XPRESS protocol. During an XPRESS D/L,
notice your modems' RD light doesn't go off like a standard XMODEM
D/L. This shows the added speed of the XPRESS download WITHOUT the
need for an external protocol!!!
New to 5.25 is the XPRESS-1K option which is fully compatible with
XMODEM 1K but at a 99%+ transfer efficiency!
When you perform an Upload, QTALK will automatically ask for the
filename whenever the "go ahead" signal is received from the host.
In this way, you don't even need to go to the file transfer menu to
perform an Upload! With QTALK 5.30 a new XPRESS upload is offered
which is fully compatible with most BBS XMODEM protocols. Select
the BBS XMODEM upload, then select QTALK's XPRESS upload. This
type of upload works like a "turbo" xmodem at up to 99% efficient
rates without the need for external protocols!!!
NOTE: Due to the higher throughput of XPRESS U/L's. They
will only work properly on BBS systems which use an
"AT" (286 or 386) class of BBS server.
This option will hang-up the modem when connected. This allows you
to terminate a call whenever you wish.
Allows you to change the current settings of port, baud, parity
to override the values stored in the QTALK.DEF file. If you
wish these changes to be saved to the QTALK.DEF file as defaults,
delete the QTALK.DEF file and re-run QTALK.
This will allow you to execute a single DOS command (COPY, CD, etc.)
or by pressing <Enter> on a blank line, will load a new DOS shell
to allow you to do a series of DOS commands. After performing the
commands, simply type EXIT to return to QTALK. You may do this at
any time, even while connected, without losing connection. This is
an easy method of adding external protocols such as ZMODEM etc.
On some systems, your characters will not be sent back to you. This
option allows you to turn on/off local echoing. If you are connected
but can't see what you type, turn ON the echo. If echo is ON and you
see double characters (DDOOUUBBLLEE), turn the echo OFF.
This selection terminates the session, removes QTALK from memory,
and returns you to DOS.
In addition to the [Alt]-[M] sequence to access the main menu, there is the
[Alt]-[C] operation to toggle the "capture" mode on and off from the terminal
screen. Capture will place all incoming data into a file called COMDATA.CAP.
This is useful for capturing text files, messages, etc. for later reading.
Pressing [Alt]-[C] initially will turn capture ON. Pressing it again will turn
it off.
In addition to the normal operation of QTALK, there are two command line para-
meters which allow you to record your default settings, a phone number, and a
logon sequence for later automatic logon.
QTALK /R (Record)
The /R option tells QTALK to follow what you do, and record it for later use.
After invoking QTALK with the /R option, proceed to set the COM paramters to
the setting you use most often. When you reach the terminal screen, QTALK will
automatically proceed to the PHONE BOOK where you should dial the number to be
recorded. After connecting to the other system, QTALK will begin to record
your keystrokes for later use. To stop the recording process, simply press
[Alt]-[R] and the "RECORDING" signal on the top line should disappear. After a
recording session, you may notice that the file QTALK.CFG has been created in
the directory containing QTALK.EXE. This is the recording that has been saved
for later use. All data typed by you is recorded in encrypted form so that
your password etc. is protected from people looking at the QTALK.CFG file.
If you invoke QTALK with /R after previously recording a sequence, you will be
asked if you wish to record again. Answering [Y]es will overwrite the old
QTALK.CFG with the new data. Answering [N]o will continue as if you had not
entered with the /R option.
QTALK /P (Playback)
The /P option tells QTALK to read the QTALK.CFG file created previously by
the /R option. It will automatically set the COM parameters, dial the phone
number recorded, and once connected, type the lines you entered during a Record
session. After all recorded data has been sent, the "PLAYING" signal on the top
line will disappear.
QTALK /Q (Quick entry)
Using /Q will take QTALK past the opening screens and modem configuration
straight to the "terminal" mode for quick response to communications.
My thanks to Art Pike of Waterfront West Wildcat! for his suggestions and help
in the testing of QTALK and other QWARE software.
QTALK maybe copied and distributed freely. This is to say, that a fee may
not be charged that exceeds the reasonable cost of distribution media.
If you find this program useful enough to consider payment, you can send around
five dollars to:
John A. Qualtrough
315 Linda Vista Rd.
Las Cruces, NM 88005
[ Please include the software title(s) and version(s) with registration. ]
This registration fee will entitle you to a free update and other utilities
to make your PC a more useful tool.
You may reach me at Waterfront West Wildcat! (505)-523-4528
Leave a [M]essage for John Qualtrough
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